Refund Policy

1.Cancellation by Customer:

Our refund policy includes full refunds for cancellations made 30+ days before departure, 50% refunds for 15-30 days, and no refunds for cancellations within 15 days. Non-refundable components may apply.

  • More than 30 days before departure: Full refund minus any service fees.
  • 15-30 days before departure: 50% refund.
  • Less than 15 days before departure: No refund.

2.Cancellation by the Agency:

  • Full refund or an offer of an alternative package.
  • Compensation for inconvenience caused.

3.Changes to Booking:

  • Changes may be subject to availability and additional charges.
  • Any changes within a certain period before departure (e.g., 7 days) might not be possible.

4.Non-Refundable Components:

  • Certain components such as flight tickets, hotel bookings, or special activities may be non-refundable.
  • These will be clearly outlined at the time of booking.

5.Refund Processing:

  • Refunds are typically processed within 14-30 business days.
  • The method of refund (credit card, bank transfer, etc.) will usually be the same as the original payment method.

6.Force Majeure:

  • In cases of natural disasters, political unrest, or other force majeure events, the refund policy may vary.
  • The agency might offer rescheduling or credits instead of refunds.

7.Documentation and Proof:

  • Requests for refunds must be accompanied by relevant documentation, such as receipts and booking confirmations.

Special Considerations

  • Travel Insurance: Having travel insurance can cover costs that might not be refundable through the agency.
  • Group Bookings: Different refund policies might apply for group bookings.
  • Custom Packages: Tailor-made packages might have different cancellation and refund terms.

For the exact refund policy of IndiaHolidays, you should check their official website or contact their customer service directly.